During Addison's 1st year check up her pediatrician and I discussed potty training. He mentioned that it was way too early to expect anything on this front but he often encouraged parents to allow the babies to become familiar with potties so that when it "came time" it wasn't such a big deal.
We decided to pull out her "potty throne" and let her have a play. Addison climbed on, and in, it. She loved it! I mean what is there not to love. It opens and shuts, you can sit on it, and it sings. Everything a little heart desires in a potty.
After seeing how much fun Addison had sitting on it, we decided to give it a go. Our goal was to sit her on the potty every night before her bath so that she could become acquainted with her new throne.
First night she sat. Stood up. Cried. Then peed on the floor.
That's ok!! She sat on it. Yeah!! And she peed in front of it. Yeah!! I felt that was a tremendous accomplishment for a 12 month old.
Curtis. Not as impressed. "Can the potty", he said!!
No way. This was too much fun!!
Night two. She sat on the potty while the bath ran. We read a book (that is what we all do on our thrones) and sang "Patta Cake". All of a sudden the potty started playing this crazy trumpet fanfare. "What the heck!", I exclaimed! "We have a faulty throne! It's only suppose to sing when someone pees in it!"
I looked down and sure enough there was pee. In the potty this time. WHAT!?!?
And the rest is history. Addison has taken to peeing on the potty! Now, mind you, she by no means potty trained. She just likes to have her daily piddle on her throne.
She piddles, points at her piddle then gives herself a big clap. What a girl!!
1 comment:
let me join u and lick your pee soaked pussy clean
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