Saturday, February 9, 2008

What A Walker!!

Addison has become quite the walker. Actually, walker is an understatement. Runner would be a more accurate description! It has been about a month since she started taking a few steps here and there. Then, the day after her first birthday, she just took off! Now the girls can't be stopped!
She is so proud of her efforts and often pauses for a moment to applaud her efforts. She will literally stop and clap for herself. It is too cute!
Addison is at the point right now where she is almost refusing to crawl anywhere. She wants to show off her new talent and can often be found walking laps in the basement.
But, the road to walking has not been a smooth one. Our poor little girl has endured her fair share of bumps, bruises, and the occasional bleeding nose. Yes, bleeding nose. That is what landing nose first on a hardwood floor will do to you! But, nothing will hold her back. She shakes it off, stands up, and once again, is off to the races!

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