Saturday, February 9, 2008

What A Walker!!

Addison has become quite the walker. Actually, walker is an understatement. Runner would be a more accurate description! It has been about a month since she started taking a few steps here and there. Then, the day after her first birthday, she just took off! Now the girls can't be stopped!
She is so proud of her efforts and often pauses for a moment to applaud her efforts. She will literally stop and clap for herself. It is too cute!
Addison is at the point right now where she is almost refusing to crawl anywhere. She wants to show off her new talent and can often be found walking laps in the basement.
But, the road to walking has not been a smooth one. Our poor little girl has endured her fair share of bumps, bruises, and the occasional bleeding nose. Yes, bleeding nose. That is what landing nose first on a hardwood floor will do to you! But, nothing will hold her back. She shakes it off, stands up, and once again, is off to the races!

The Big Day

Addison spent her actual birth day hanging out with her mommy and her best friend Ceilidh (and Ceilidh's mommy Thelma) at "Little Feet Fitness and Fun". Little Feet is an indoor play area designed for the little ones.
Addison and Ceilidh had a blast climbing in and around things, jumping in the jumping castle, playing with the balls and riding in the cars. Addison found a few things that she took a quick liking to. The first was the jumping castle. She couldn't actually jump in it but she loved sitting there while the other kids did! The second was anything that she could climb through and the third favorite of the day was the cars that she could climb in and get pushed around. What a great time we had!!
Later on that day we celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa Hunter and Nan and Bubs. We enjoyed a spaghetti dinner and cupcakes (all made by mommy). Mmmmmm...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Splish, Splash. It's a Birthday Bash!

On January 19th we got together with friends and family to celebrate Addison's 1st birthday. What a party it was!! Some may have thought it a little extravagant for a first birthday party. But it was more than that. It was our opportunity to thank all of our friend and family who have been so wonderful to our new little family over the past year. I guess you could say that it was a "thank for helping us make it to Addison's first birthday" party. Who knew that "parenthood" could be so challenging and yet so rewarding. It is the love and support of our loved ones that keeps us grounded.
The party started of with some splashing and fun in the pool and was followed by some wonderful Italian food and delicious birthday cake.
Addison was given many wonderful and thoughtful gifts. But most importantly was the fact that she was surrounded with loved ones.