I know that all parents feel that their child is special. But there is just something about Addison. It is like she has the ability to sense when there is someone hurting, or in need. She appears to be extremely sensitive towards others.
We were in the waiting room of the hospital today and Addison immediately took to this one older couple. She was chatting with them, shared her toys with them, wanted them to pick her up etc. We shared stories and they told me about their children who were only an few years younger than me. Addison of course was making them laugh and smile with all her crazy chatting and antics.
At one point the gentleman put Addison on his knee and she cuddled right in. Just then the woman was called in. I mentioned to the man that Addison was about to get an ultrasound and he in turned opened up to say that his wife was about to get a shunt put in for her cancer treatments. She had just been diagnosed with colon cancer. My heart broke for them. And there was Addison being a comfort to him.
When Addison was 5 months old a woman, whom I greatly admire, commented that she had a beautiful old soul. That she could see it in her eyes. I wonder...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Great Grandpa's Girl
I never want her to feel disconnected from her "roots".
Last time we were visiting Parry Sound, we were able to spend some time with Addison's Great Grandpa Scale. They hadn't seen each other since Christmas. But, it was like no time had passed. He got right into teasing her and she got right down to showing him who the real boss was.
It was a beautiful thing to see the love in both sets of eyes.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
What a great Easter day it has been!! We couldn't have asked for a better day together as a family.
Our day today began with going to church together for a wonderful Easter celebration. Curtis was hired to play at a local United church and it was a delight to hear him play. Addison loves hearing her daddy play the trumpet. After the service some of the older youth hid hundreds of plastic eggs, filled with chocolate, throughout the sanctuary. Addison was ecstatic at the sight of all the colour and the kids running to gather them. She found a few, dumped out the chocolate and played with the eggs. All the while squealing with delight. It was so cute!!
Later on in the day we went to Nana & Bubs' (Grace & Sid's) house for an Easter feast. It was wonderful fun to visit with Curtis' family. We all ate too much, of course. But especially Addison. After stuffing her face with veggies and beef, we found that she was also a tomato lover!! The girl ate them like they were candy!! Then, oh boy, she found a cupcake. And that was the end of everything. She stuffed it into herself and ate the whole thing. Who knew that such a little girl could pack in the food like that!! It would almost be equal to an adult eating a whole cake!! At one point she thought we were going to take it from her and she freaked!
But, the aftermath...she became this crazed, sugar high being. It was insane!! It was like she was a different child. Addison spent about an hour running mad through the house. Pick up a stuffy, run down the hall, throw the stuffy, chase the cat, jump on grandma, pick the stuffy up, run into the kitchen, and on and on. All the while talking and babbling like a mad woman. I have never laughed so hard! Ever wonder what a baby on speed would look like? Give them a cupcake.
It was a wonderful Easter and I can't wait until next year when Addison will finally be old enough
Friday, March 14, 2008
HIGHS and lows
Well, we have had a very up an down month.
It started with waking up on the morning of January 23rd (Addison's birthday) to a baby who was choking and having difficulty breathing. SCARY!! We rushed Addison to the local ER where she was diagnosed with having the croup. The doctor gave our little one a dose of steroids to help open up her breathing passageways. We left the hospital with Addison in better spirits and mommy feeling a little better. But, we were also given the warning that the upcoming nights would be a little rough. And indeed they were!
For the next couple weeks we were woken up several times a night to our baby coughing, choking and having difficulty breathing. There is nothing worse than the totally helpless feeling we had during these nights. The only thing we could do was to take her into the steamy bathroom and hope that would help relieve her congested passage ways.
After two weeks, with little improvement, Addison was finally diagnosed with RSV (a respiratory virus) and again we were told that there was nothing we could do. It would have to just run its course. But, if in another week it was no better, we were to go back.
The week that followed was one of the most difficult that we have ever had to experience with her. Addison became very lethargic. For a week she didn't play, wouldn't walk around and only wanted to cuddle and suck her thumb. We went a week without hearing our little girl laugh. She wasn't our usual joyful little girl. Our hearts were breaking.
So, back to the doctor. Our paediatrician informed us that, on top of everything else, Addison now also had an ear infection. How much more could this little one have thrown at her!?!? So, he prescribed her an antibiotic to help with the infection and a puffer to help with the cough and breathing.
We got her home, gave her the meds and put her to bed. After a two hour sleep she woke up a totally different baby! She was ready to play and we felt elated to hear her laugh. The miracle of modern medicine.
Hopefully we never have to go through anything like this again! Although I am sure this is not the last illness...
It started with waking up on the morning of January 23rd (Addison's birthday) to a baby who was choking and having difficulty breathing. SCARY!! We rushed Addison to the local ER where she was diagnosed with having the croup. The doctor gave our little one a dose of steroids to help open up her breathing passageways. We left the hospital with Addison in better spirits and mommy feeling a little better. But, we were also given the warning that the upcoming nights would be a little rough. And indeed they were!
For the next couple weeks we were woken up several times a night to our baby coughing, choking and having difficulty breathing. There is nothing worse than the totally helpless feeling we had during these nights. The only thing we could do was to take her into the steamy bathroom and hope that would help relieve her congested passage ways.
After two weeks, with little improvement, Addison was finally diagnosed with RSV (a respiratory virus) and again we were told that there was nothing we could do. It would have to just run its course. But, if in another week it was no better, we were to go back.
The week that followed was one of the most difficult that we have ever had to experience with her. Addison became very lethargic. For a week she didn't play, wouldn't walk around and only wanted to cuddle and suck her thumb. We went a week without hearing our little girl laugh. She wasn't our usual joyful little girl. Our hearts were breaking.
So, back to the doctor. Our paediatrician informed us that, on top of everything else, Addison now also had an ear infection. How much more could this little one have thrown at her!?!? So, he prescribed her an antibiotic to help with the infection and a puffer to help with the cough and breathing.
We got her home, gave her the meds and put her to bed. After a two hour sleep she woke up a totally different baby! She was ready to play and we felt elated to hear her laugh. The miracle of modern medicine.
Hopefully we never have to go through anything like this again! Although I am sure this is not the last illness...
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Potty Princess
During Addison's 1st year check up her pediatrician and I discussed potty training. He mentioned that it was way too early to expect anything on this front but he often encouraged parents to allow the babies to become familiar with potties so that when it "came time" it wasn't such a big deal.
We decided to pull out her "potty throne" and let her have a play. Addison climbed on, and in, it. She loved it! I mean what is there not to love. It opens and shuts, you can sit on it, and it sings. Everything a little heart desires in a potty.
After seeing how much fun Addison had sitting on it, we decided to give it a go. Our goal was to sit her on the potty every night before her bath so that she could become acquainted with her new throne.
First night she sat. Stood up. Cried. Then peed on the floor.
That's ok!! She sat on it. Yeah!! And she peed in front of it. Yeah!! I felt that was a tremendous accomplishment for a 12 month old.
Curtis. Not as impressed. "Can the potty", he said!!
No way. This was too much fun!!
Night two. She sat on the potty while the bath ran. We read a book (that is what we all do on our thrones) and sang "Patta Cake". All of a sudden the potty started playing this crazy trumpet fanfare. "What the heck!", I exclaimed! "We have a faulty throne! It's only suppose to sing when someone pees in it!"
I looked down and sure enough there was pee. In the potty this time. WHAT!?!?
And the rest is history. Addison has taken to peeing on the potty! Now, mind you, she by no means potty trained. She just likes to have her daily piddle on her throne.
She piddles, points at her piddle then gives herself a big clap. What a girl!!
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