Saturday, September 5, 2009


Upon seeing Georgian Bay for the First Time - "That's a big puddle!"
Macaroni is "Crackaroni"
Hamburgers are "Hang-ga-bers"
"This is my pool" - When talking about Pine Lake (the cottage)
Answers any, and almost all, questions with: "Because yes" and "Because no"
The seashells in her fish tank are "Shelves"
Loves to tell people "You're my best friend"

I'm a Big Sister!!

It is hard to believe that my baby girl is a big sister. I love that the time stamp on these pics say 12:15 pm. 4 hours and 5 minutes after David was born. Addison has been anticipating being a big sister for many months now and has taken to the role like it is what she was born to do. Upon seeing David for the first time the excitement spread across her face as she exclaimed, "Mommy! It's our baby!".  Her first reaction was to go around and get him some toys to play with. Addison loves to hold David, she likes to hold him, and kisses him goodnight. But, her favorite thing to do is to help mommy change his diaper. What a great big sister!!